Republican and conservative support for Barack Obama in 2008

United States President Barack Obama, a member of the Democratic Party, was endorsed or supported by some members of the Republican Party and by some political figures holding conservative views in the 2008 election. Republican and conservative Obama supporters were often referred to as "Obama Republicans", "Obamacans" or "Obamacons".[1]

Republican and conservative supporters of Obama included elected officials, former elected officials, academics, commentators, and retired military officers. According to exit polls on Election Day, 9% of those who identified themselves as Republicans voted for Barack Obama,[2] up slightly from the 6% of self-identified Republicans who voted for John Kerry in 2004.[3]


Etymology of "Obama Republican"

On February 12, 2008, Barack Obama mentioned Obama Republicans in his Potomac primary victory speech: "We are bringing together Democrats and independents, and yes, some Republicans. I know there's — I meet them when I'm shaking hands afterwards. There's one right there. An Obamacan, that's what we call them." In another speech, he said, "We, as Democrats right now, should tap into the discontent of Republicans. I want some Obama Republicans!" In his call for Republican votes, Obama referred to Ronald Reagan, who he says "was able to tap into the discontent of the American get Democrats to vote Republican— they were called Reagan Democrats." was founded in December 2006 by John Martin, a US Navy reservist.[4] The organization grew to include over 2,500 registered members from across the United States, and was featured in USA Today, The New Yorker and other media throughout the 2008 Presidential Campaign.[5][6][7]

Commentary and events

Conservative praise for Obama was highlighted in the conservative Insight Magazine in July 2007. Insight's story focused on Obama's character as contrasted with the then Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton.[8] In January 2008, Andrew Sullivan of The Atlantic also praised Obama's character and personality.[9] In March 2008, Andrew Bacevich, writing in The American Conservative, said that "principled conservatives" should consider voting for Obama since he promised a quick end to the Iraq war; which Bacevich said had contributed to the growth of federal and presidential power.[10] Bruce Bartlett, writing in the New Republic, cited Obama's opposition to the Iraq war as the main issue which appealed to conservatives. Also mentioned were his opposition to some parts of the PATRIOT Act and his possible support for school vouchers.

In June 2008, Republican Douglas Kmiec was denied Roman Catholic communion for his support of Obama, due to an interpretation of church policy and Obama's pro-choice stance.[11] In June 2008, Washington Post commentator Robert Novak blamed the policies of President George W. Bush for Republican defections to the Obama camp and suggested that Republicans Colin Powell and Chuck Hagel might soon declare their support for Obama.[12] In July 2008, African-American libertarian-conservative columnist Thomas Sowell criticized "Obamacons" and advised them to more seriously consider Obama's liberal positions on many issues before supporting him over Republican candidate John McCain—despite Sowell's previous strident criticism of McCain.[13]

On October 19, 2008, Colin Powell, who served as President George W. Bush's first Secretary of State, endorsed Obama in an appearance on Meet the Press. Calling Obama a "transformational figure," Powell cited John McCain's selection of Sarah Palin (who Powell believed is not "ready to be president"), Republican personal attacks on Obama, and Obama's ability to improve strained relations between the U.S. and its allies as reasons for his choice.[14]

The Republican party reported a total of 700 Republican voters in Iowa who voted for Obama during the January 2008 caucuses, and 500 in Colorado during their February 2008 caucuses.[15] Polls in late February 2008, the height of the Democratic primaries and the point at which the Republicans had virtually decided on John McCain, showed that up to 14% of Republicans supported Obama.[16] Some disenchanted or moderate Republican donors who contributed to the George Bush campaign in 2004 have donated to the Obama campaign.[17]

Following General Powell's endorsement, other prominent republicans continued to join the ranks of Republicans who had decided to vote for Senator Obama, including: Former Massachusetts Governor William Weld, former Minnesota Gov. Arne Carlson, former spokesman for President George W. Bush, Scott McClellan, and prominent conservatives Ken Adelman and Charles Fried.[18]

This wave of endorsements led The Economist to publish an in-depth examination of "The Rise of the Obamacons" and their influence:

The biggest brigade in the Obamacon army consists of libertarians, furious with Mr Bush’s big-government conservatism, worried about his commitment to an open-ended “war on terror”, and disgusted by his cavalier way with civil rights. ... For many conservatives, Mr Obama embodies qualities that their party has abandoned: pragmatism, competence and respect for the head rather than the heart. Mr Obama’s calm and collected response to the turmoil on Wall Street contrasted sharply with Mr. McCain’s grandstanding. ... How much do these Obamacons matter? More than Mr McCain would like to think. The Obamacons are manifestations of a deeper turmoil in the Republican rank-and-file, as the old coalition of small-government activists, social conservatives and business Republicans falls apart. They also influence opinion. ... The more tantalising question is whether the rise of the Obamacons signals a lasting political realignment. ... If the Republican Party continues to think that the problem lies with the rats, rather than the seaworthiness of the ship, then the Obamacons are here to stay.[19]

The rush of Republicans and other conservatives openly endorsing Barack Obama was the subject of satire on the television show The Colbert Report on October 29, 2008, which drew record ratings with a self-serving endorsement by the conservative host character played by comedian Stephen Colbert.

The Wall Street Journal characterized the Obamacans as "the latest sign that the Republican Party's coalition is fracturing."[20]

Polling data

The final election Gallup Poll, from October 27 to November 2, indicated 10% of Republicans supported Obama instead of McCain,[21] compared to 7% of "McCain Democrats." Gallup also indicated his support among self-described conservatives, although stronger than John Kerry's, was weaker than what Al Gore received.[22] In August, Andrew Romano of Newsweek stated that the polls he had read indicate the cross-over voters "cancel each other out."[23] However The Economist cited a poll in late October 2008 that indicated Obama was "winning 22% of self-described conservatives, a higher proportion than any Democratic nominee since 1980."[19]

Republican elected officials who endorsed Obama

Other national Republican figures who endorsed Obama

Support for Obama from conservative writers

See also


  1. ^ CNN Transcripts, McCain, Obama Sweep Potomac Primaries
  2. ^ Pew Research Center Publications (Nov. 5, 2008) "Inside Obama's Sweeping Victory"
  3. ^ CNN Exit Poll - U.S. President, 2004
  4. ^ Republicans Defect to the Obama Camp The Sunday Times, May 6, 2007. "Disagreements on the war have not stopped John Martin, a Navy reservist and founder of the website Republicans for Obama, from supporting the antiwar senator. He joined the military after the Iraq war and is about to be deployed to Afghanistan."
  5. ^ About Republicans for Obama "Founded in late 2006 as part of the nationwide effort to encourage Senator Obama to run for the Presidency, our volunteer-run, grassroots group now includes over 2200 registered members from across the nation."
  6. ^ A New Political Breed: Obamacans USA Today, March 19, 2008. "Founded in 2006, Campbell's organization might well be leading the charge among mutinous Republicans in the online world. He says it has 800 members in 19 states and is growing. On Super Tuesday, Campbell says, the site had 22,000 hits. Now, it gets 1,200 to 1,500 hits a day."
  7. ^ The Conciliator The New Yorker, May 7, 2007."In his election to the U.S. Senate, Obama won forty per cent of the Republican vote; now there is a group called Republicans for Obama, founded by John Martin, a law student and Navy reservist shortly to be posted to Afghanistan, which has chapters in six states."
  8. ^ Washington Watch: Obama's fund-raising record reveals weakness of Hillary's campaign Insight, July 7, 2007."Will the Democratic Party soon awaken to the growing American consensus? The nation will not be governed by the white-trash Hill-Billies of yesteryear and much prefers candidates with class and true grace—regardless of their race, religion or even political stripes."
  9. ^ The Daily Dish The Atlantic January 2008. "Obama's legislative record, speeches, and the way he has run his campaign reveal, I think, a very even temperament, a very sound judgment, and an intelligent pragmatism. Prudence is a word that is not inappropriate to him. "
  10. ^ Right Choice? The conservative case for Barack Obama Andrew J. Bacevich, The American Conservative, March 24, 2008. "Yet if Obama does become the nation’s 44th president, his election will constitute something approaching a definitive judgment of the Iraq War. As such, his ascent to the presidency will implicitly call into question the habits and expectations that propelled the United States into that war in the first place. Matters hitherto consigned to the political margin will become subject to close examination. Here, rather than in Obama’s age or race, lies the possibility of his being a truly transformative presidency."
  11. ^ For an 'Obamacon,' Communion Denied Washington Post June 3, 2008.
  12. ^ The Obamacons Who Worry McCain Washington Post, June 6, 2008.
  13. ^ Conservatives should rethink their support of Obama Thomas Sowell, Deseret News July 10, 2008. "Back in the 18th century, Helvetius said, "When I speak I put on a mask. When I act, I am forced to take it off." Too many voters still have not learned that lesson. They need to look at the track record of Obama's actions. Back in the days of "The Lone Ranger" program, someone would ask, "Who is that masked man?" People need to start asking that question about Obama."
  14. ^ a b Powell endorses Obama for president - Meet the Press-
  15. ^ Barack + GOP = "Obamacans", Newsweek
  16. ^ 'Obamacans' and 'McCainacrats' Will Help Decide Presidency,
  17. ^ Former Bush donors now giving to Obama,
  18. ^ Susan Davis, Obamacans: Prominent Republicans Line-Up Behind Obama, Wall Street Journal (October 24, 2008), at
  19. ^ a b The Economist: The Rise of the Obamacons
  20. ^ WSJ: "Powell Endorses Obama, Reflecting Fractures in GOP"
  21. ^ Gallup
  22. ^ Election Polls: Group Voting
  23. ^ Chasing the Mythical 'Obamacan' Masses
  24. ^ "Campaign digest". Seattle Times: p. A5. January 7, 2008. 
  25. ^ Minneapolis Star-Tribune
  26. ^ Chafee for Obama
  27. ^ Condon, Stephanie (October 25, 2010). "Frank Caprio: Obama Can Take His Endorsement and "Shove It"". CBS News. 
  28. ^ Minneapolis Star Tribune, 21 October 2008 (letter)
  29. ^ Ellsworth, Robert F.; Dimitri K. Simes (October 31, 2008). "TNI Publishers Split on Endorsement". The National Interest. Retrieved November 2, 2008. 
  30. ^ Gilchrest 'Happy' To Retire (WBAL-TV)
  31. ^ In Virginia, Obama surrogates continue push for win
  32. ^ a b Republicans cross over for Obama
  33. ^ "My Choice: Obama". The Washington Post. Retrieved May 22, 2010. 
  34. ^ Former GOP senator, vet backs Obama - Alexander Burns -
  35. ^ "Former Gov. William Weld endorses Obama"
  36. ^ Lifelong Republican Mayor of Camp Hill, PA Switches Parties to Vote Obama
  37. ^ The New Yorker
  38. ^ National Review endorses Obama -- NOT Washington Times October 1, 2008. "Today it is conservatives, not liberals, who talk with alarming bellicosity about making the world 'safe for democracy,'" Mr. Allison wrote in the Sept. 27 issue of D Magazine. "It is John McCain who says America's job is to 'defeat evil,' a theological expansion of the nation's mission that would make George Washington cough out his wooden teeth. This kind of conservatism, which is not conservative at all, has produced financial mismanagement, the waste of human lives, the loss of moral authority, and the wreckage of our economy that McCain now threatens to make worse."
  39. ^ L.A. Times
  40. ^ a b Three former U.S. SEC chairmen endorse Obama
  41. ^ Former Reagan adviser endorses Obama
  42. ^ Why I'm Backing Obama Washington Post
  43. ^ Ike's Granddaughter Calls Obama 'Future of America' The Washington Independent
  44. ^ Reflections on Leaving the Party. – The National Interest
  45. ^ Reuters: More GOP Defections
  46. ^ The Washington Post. 
  47. ^ Hunter, Larry (2008-07-16). "I'm a lifelong conservative activist and I'm backing Barack Obama". Race for the White House 2008 (New York Daily News). Retrieved 2009-12-11. 
  48. ^ John DiStaso's Granite Status: VFW backs Shea-Porter
  49. ^ Dean John Hutson Endorses Obama
  50. ^ For an 'Obamacon,' Communion Denied "Word spread like wildfire in Catholic circles: Douglas Kmiec, a staunch Republican, firm foe of abortion and veteran of the Reagan Justice Department, had been denied Communion. His sin? Kmiec, a Catholic who can cite papal pronouncements with the facility of a theological scholar, shocked old friends and adversaries alike earlier this year by endorsing Barack Obama for president. For at least one priest, Kmiec's support for a pro-choice politician made him a willing participant in a grave moral evil."
  51. ^ When Republicans Endorse Obama Newsweek "They include lifelong Republican Tricia Moseley, a former staffer for the late Sen. Strom Thurmond, the one-time segregationist from South Carolina. Now a high-school teacher, Moseley says she was attracted to Obama's positions on education and the economy."
  52. ^ Two former Bush Advisers Now Advising Obama, Will Appear at Economic Meeting Today
  53. ^ Tapper, Jake (October 17, 2008). "In Philly, Conservative Radio Host Backs Obama". Political Punch (ABC News). Retrieved October 28, 2008. 
  54. ^ Republicans for Obama: From Reagan to Obama
  55. ^ The Right Choice? The Conservative Case for Barack Obama
  56. ^ Sorry, Dad, I'm Voting for Obama
  57. ^ Former neocon supports Obama
  58. ^ Andrew Billen (2004-07-14). "Why I won't vote for George Bush". The Times (London). Retrieved 2007-05-13. 
  59. ^ "The Great Conservative Crackup" by Jacob Heilbrunn
  60. ^ PhDiva: On Being an Obamacon
  61. ^ Scott McConnell
  62. ^ Goodbye to All That: Why Obama Matters
  63. ^ "Who's Getting Your Vote?". Reason. 2004-11. Retrieved 2008-10-27. 

External links